Reports about the progress in EU policy making with regard to the discipline of Spatual Planning.
Meetings of NTCCP and UDG of 02/03 and 03/03 under Maltese EU Presidency
Reports from Jan Vogelij, ECTP-CEU representative to the spatial development policy making of the Council of the EU.
The working level meeting of the Network of Territorial Cohesion Contact Points of the Council of the EU was held under Maltese EU Presidency in St Julian, Malta 02/03/2017
Special attention was given to EU policy making for the European territories with geographical specificities.
The Maltese EU Presidency aims at dynamizing the Europe post 2020 process with regard to spatial development.
The representative of the European Commission recommended reading and relating to the White paper about the future of the EU (The Juncker document)Download the document here
The Urban Development Group preparing EU policy with regard to the Urban Areas of Europe, met in St Julian’s in Malta at 03/03/2017 The meeting of the representatives of the Member State ministries responsible for urban issues was dedicated to the progress of the partnerships following the Urban Agenda for the EU.
In those partnerships the general problem of top-down policy making in the EU is addressed by creating partnerships consisting of expert representatives of cities and regions, Ministries and EU institutions, which prepare in close cooperation policy proposals. That new vertical cooperation approach, involving the experts of the cities and regions, is expected to deliver proposals, which relate better to the reality on the ground than the conventional top-down policy preparation. The subjects of the partnerships following the Council of the EU decision about the Pact of Amsterdam of 2016, are agreed among the Ministers and the Commission. Orientation papers and specific approaches for each of the projects are to be decided in the forthcoming UDG meeting at DG level under Maltese EU Presidency.Download the document here