NTCCP (Network of Territorial Cohesion Contact Points) works on the Territorial Agenda of the EU.
(Rep. Jan Vogelij)
The NTCCP is made up of representatives of the Member States, the candidate countries and guest countries Iceland, Norway and Switzerland), the European Union institutions and the relevant territorial stakeholders.
The (revised) Territorial Agenda 2020, Towards an Inclusive, Smart and Sustainable Europe of Diverse Regions, prepared in the NTCCP, and approved by the Ministers on 19/05/2011
Download the document here
and it's annexe
Reports about the recent meetings of the Member State Directors General responsible for territorial cohesion and urban matters.
The content demonstrates the importance of our permanent representation to these policy making meetings, which are of large importance for the future of the discipline of Spatial Planning. It also shows the increased influence of our interventions with regard to awareness of the importance of integrated, place specific approaches and the value of Spatial Planning.
The meeting of EU Member State DGs on Territorial Cohesion took place on April 3 in Malta, under Maltese presidency of the European Union.
Download the Territorial Cohesion document here
Download the Urban Agenda for the EU document here
The Urban Development Group preparing EU policy with regard to the Urban Areas of Europe, met in St Julian’s in Malta at 03/03/2017
Memo from Jan Vogelij Download the document here
The working level meeting of the Network of Territorial Cohesion Contact Points of the Council of the EU was held under Maltese EU Presidency in St Julian, Malta 02/03/2017
Memo from Jan Vogelij Download the document here
Under Luxembourgish EU Presidency a meeting was held of the EU Member State Directors General responsible for territorial cohesion and those for urban affairs on 20 and 21 October 2015
Seismic Scoping Paper (September 2014)
This paper can raise knowledge and understanding about EU and its components.
It provides a concise and clear overview of EU institutions, policies, funds etc related to urban and planning aspects.
Although the paper concerns social innovation the overview is most relevant for informing those who are interested in urban related aspects of the EU.
Besides, social innovation in this seismic project is about citizen engagement in contributing to urban development policies.Download the document here
Report about the combined meetings of EU DG’s of Ministries responsible for Spatial Development and for Urban Affairs,under Italian Presidency
of 25 September 2014 in Milano
Report on the Joint Meeting of Directors General Responsible for Territorial Cohesion, Spatial Development and for Urban Development was held under Lithuanian EU Presidency in Vilnius, 20/21 November 2013.
Reports about the participation in the recent working group meetings of the Urban Development Group (UDG) and the Network of Territorial Cohesion Contact Points (NTCCP) in Dublin, April 2013.
Reports about the participation in the recent working group meetings of the Urban Development Group (UDG) and the Network of Territorial Cohesion Contact Points (NTCCP) under Cypriot EU Presidency in Nicosia.
September 2012
ECTP UDG Nicosia
ECTP NTCCP reaction
Communiqué de presse - Press release - Mission Opérationnelle Transfrontalière.
15 Décembre 2011
Le 6 octobre 2011, la Commission européenne a publié ses propositions de règlements pour la période de programmation 2014-2020 de la politique de cohésion.
Suite à une consultation de ses adhérents, la MOT publie aujourd’hui sa position sur ces propositions de règlements, visant une meilleure prise en compte des territoires transfrontaliers.
Le communiqué de presse joint présente quelques extraits de cette position.
Pour télécharger le texte intégral de la position :
Le réseau de la MOT compte 62 adhérents - collectivités locales, Etats, structures transfrontalières, associations, fédérations, etc. - impliqués dans le développement de projets transfrontaliers.
Pour télécharger la carte du réseau de la MOT : www.espaces-transfrontaliers.eu/carte_adherents.pdf
* * *
October 6th 2011, the European Commission published the regulation proposals for the cohesion policy 2014–2020.
Following consultation of its members, the MOT publishes its position paper on these regulation proposals, aiming at a better consideration of the cross-border areas.
The press release attached presents some extracts of this position.
To donwnload the uncut version (in French):
The MOT network brings together 62 members - territorial authorities, states, cross-border structures, associations, federations, etc. - involved in cross-border projects.
To donwload the map of the network: www.espaces-transfrontaliers.eu/carte_adherents.pdf
The EU Ministrial agreements on future Cohesion policy and on the roadmap to enhance integrated territorial approach.
Informal Meeting of Ministers (24-25 November, Poznan) - final version of the Presidency Conclusions, Roadmap & Key messages.
The EU Ministrial agreements on future Cohesion policy and on the roadmap to enhance integrated territorial approach.
1) Polish Presidency Conclusions on the territorial dimension of EU policies and the future Cohesion Policy -Towards an integrated, territorially differentiated and institutionally smart response to EU challenges.Download the document here
2) Roadmap towards promoting and enhancing an integrated, territorial approach based on the Territorial Agenda of the European Union 2020.Download the document here
The implementation of the Roadmap shall be monitored by NTCCP and UDG networks. Moreover, the Presidency recommends that the Ministers responsible for territorial development should assess the Roadmap once a year.
Key messages:
The discussion during the Conference clearly showed the importance of an integrated approach while planning development on local, regional, national as well as European level. It has also clearly proved that there is a need for extending the debate on the Cohesion Policy post 2013 beyond its traditional stakeholders in order to find new arguments and new ideas that could strenghten the role and place of Cohesion Policy among the group of EU policies.
Key messages from the conference prepared by the Polish Presidency. Download the document here
Key messages from the second day of the meeting when the issues related to Cohesion Policy post 2013 and practical implementation of the Territorial Agenda 2020 were discussed by the Ministers are also available. Download the document here
On 12 july the combined meeting of the NTCCP and the UDG was held in Warsaw, under Polish EU Presidency.
This was the first time that both groups of representatives of national Ministries, EU organisations and some ngo’s, among which ECTP-CEU, met in one combined meeting. Some representatives of national Ministries questioned the combination of groups preparing territorial and urban development policies.
The combination is however in line with the ECTP-CEU vision expressed in the NCA2003, that urban planning is part (as a specific scale level) of spatial (or territorial) planning, and that a strong distinction between the two (Leipzig Charter vs Territorial Agenda) leads to an artificial separation within the field of spatial planning. An expert report will be prepared (by Patrick Salez) about the future situation of both groups.
>> See the full report here <<
ECTP-CEU COMMENTS ON ESPON’S FUTURE:Download the document here
REPORT ON NTCCP MEETING:Download the document here
UDG (Urban development Group) works on sustainable urban development (Leipzig Charter)
(Rep. Jan Vogelij)
Comment of ECTP-CEU on Draft Conclusion on Multilevel Governance Conference
(29 November 2010)