Council of Europe
(Rep. Luc-Emile Bouche-Florin)
CDCPP European Cultural Heritage Strategy for the 21st Century 2016
Conference of Ministers Heritage Namur-Declaration 2015
ECTP Autumn AG Lujbliana Council of Europe Official representation S2 2016
Greek presidency CEMAT Handbook on territorial democracy
16th CEMAT Naphlio declaration 2014
- unbreakablelink between Climate Change and Human Rights (2013)
- Présence et actions du CEP-ECTP au sein du Conseil de l'Europe (in French only)
- CEMAT: définition, rôle et action de l'ECTP-CEU (in French only)
- CDPATEP: définition, rôle et action de l'ECTP-CEU (in French only)
- Spatial Developpement Glossary (CEMAT)
- Guiding Principle forSustainable Spatial Development of the European Continent
- Convention Grenade for the Protection of the Architectural Heritage of Europe
- European Convention La Valetta on the Protection of the Archaeological Heritage
- European Landscape Convention Florence
- NGOs conference (in French only)
- Framework Convention Faro on the Value of Cultural Heritage for Society
- Erevan (Armenia) Symposium - October 2008 (in French only)
- Saint-Petersburg Symposium - June 2008 (in French only)
- Andorra la Vella Symposium - October 2007 (in French only)