Council of Europe

coe(Rep. Luc-Emile Bouche-Florin)

Council of Europe Conference of Ministers in Charge of Spatial Planning CEMAT. 17th session Council of Europe Conference of Ministers in Charge of Spatial Planning CEMAT. 17th session 

CDCPP European Cultural Heritage Strategy for the 21st Century 2016

Conference of Ministers Heritage Namur-Declaration 2015

ECTP Autumn AG Lujbliana Council of Europe Official representation S2 2016

Greek presidency CEMAT Handbook on territorial democracy

16th CEMAT Naphlio declaration 2014

 - unbreakablelink between Climate Change and Human Rights (2013)

- déclaration préconisant un lien indissoluble entre le changement climatique et les droits de l'Homme

- Présence et actions du CEP-ECTP au sein du Conseil de l'Europe (in French only)

CEMAT: définition, rôle et action de l'ECTP-CEU (in French only)

CDPATEP: définition, rôle et action de l'ECTP-CEU (in French only)

- Spatial Developpement Glossary (CEMAT)

- Guiding Principle forSustainable Spatial Development of the European Continent

- Convention Grenade for the Protection of the Architectural Heritage of Europe

- European Convention La Valetta on the Protection of the Archaeological Heritage

- European Landscape Convention Florence

- NGOs conference (in French only)

Framework Convention Faro on the Value of Cultural Heritage for Society

- Erevan (Armenia) Symposium - October 2008 (in French only)

Saint-Petersburg Symposium - June 2008 (in French only)

Andorra la Vella Symposium - October 2007 (in French only)