Romania - RUR

Registrul Urbaniştilor din România (RUR) 

ECTP-CEU member since: 2013
Amount of own members: 1,694
Contacts: no. 17 A Bd. Nicolae Balcescu , 5 th floor
010 043 Bucharest
tel: +40 0314251382, +40 0314251383+40 0314255456,
fax: +40 0314255456
e-mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Annual RUR reports to ECTP-CEU

2016 Report / 2016 Report annexe

2012 Report

Romania’s projects presented by RUR to the ECTP-CEU European and Regional Planning Awards:

Country Factsheet for Romania (.ro)

ECTP-CEU Study Profession qualification Recognition - Stage II document - Appendix 4 Draft Directory (2012-12-21)

General Country Information
Capital City Bucharest
Population 19,511,000
Area (km2) 238,391
Population Density 84.4/per km2
EU Membership Romania joined the EU in 2007.
Romania is a semi-presidential republic, where executive functions are held by both government and the President. The country is divided into 41 counties (județe), which correspond to the NUTS-3 level of division, and the municipality of Bucharest. Each county is administered by a county council (Prefect). The counties are further subdivided into 319 cities and 2,686 communes, which have their own mayor and local council. A total of 103 of the larger cities have municipality statuses, which gives them greater administrative power over local affairs. The municipality of Bucharest is a special case as it enjoys a status on par to that of a county. It is further divided into six sectors and has a prefect, a general mayor (primar), and a general city council. Spatial planning is the competence of these local authorities through their own spatial planning laws.


Romania’s Ministry contacts:

Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration
17, Apolodor Str., North Wing, Sector 5
T: +40 037 211 1409
F: +40 037 211 4533
E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Formerly known as “The Ministry of Development Public works and Housing Romania”

The Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration carries out government policies, inter alia, the fields of regional development, spatial development, urban planning and architecture, housing, real estate and urban planning management and development, and construction.

Ministry’s organogram:


Planning as a Regulated Profession in Romania
Planning is recognised in the post-graduate qualification. Specialization is required in the categories of urban planning, architecture and related fields.

The Romanian Register of Urban Planners (RUR - Registrul Urbaniştilor din Romăniă) is the competent authority. The title of “Urbanist“, or town planner, is legally protected and RUR keeps a statutory register of all professional planners and regulates their authorisation.

The Town planners may perform the following professional activities under the arrangements of the government Decree 266/2013. (VII. 11.):
• A town planner is responsible for government decisions, mandates and legislation, standards and technical documentation with the tasks involving urban planning.
• Management of the urban structures, territorial, landscape and environmental coordination and management of the environmental assessment and the feasibility of urban and regional projects;
• Development of strategies, policies and urban or territorial transformation projects.

Professional Title:
The common professional name is “Urbanist“, or town planner.

EU Database Status:
The profession of “Urbanist” (Chartered town planner) in Romania is included in the EU Database of Regulated Professions, but without any information on the type of regulation.

National Regulation:
Indirect through the Romanian Register of Urban Planners (RUR), which holds a register of those allowed to practice under this title.

Government Ordinance no. 109/2007. Law no. 200/2004 on the recognition diplomas and professional qualifications for regulated professions in Romania

Regional regulation:

Universities with approved planning trainings in Romania
The courses leading to the profession of “Urbanist”, or town planner, are three year Bachelor and two year Master study programmes in Planning. Full membership for RUR can be obtained only by accomplishment of combined program of a Bachelor Degree (240 ECTS) and Master Program (120 ECTS). In Romania, these courses are provided by:
◦ Ion Mincu University of Bucharest, Faculty of Urban Planning and Landscape Architecture
The faculty holds three Bachelor study programmes, and six Master study programmes:
• Urban Design and Planning
• Landscape Design and Planning
• Urbanism and Territorial Management

The master programmes address the urban planners and other professionals such as architects, engineers, traffic planners, economists, geographers, sociologist, historians) in order to achieve the credentials to join the Romanian Register of Urban Planners.
• Territorial Planning and Regional Development
• Urban Mobility
• Urban Management for Competitive Cities
• Landscape and Territory
• Urban Design
• Urbanism and Public Policies

Example from “ECTP-CEU Draft Stage 2 Study on the Recognition of Planning Qualifications in Europe”:

Master of Spatial Planning and Regional Development, University of Bucharest:

The Romanian exemplar planning course is a 2 year Bachelor programme. The above course profile indicates the importance of planning techniques and the social and economic environment in particular within the course with less emphasis put on the study of planning theory of the natural environment.

Town Planning Press of Romania
• Architectura
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• Reviste
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• igloo
Viorica Buică / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Country regulation:

The Territorial planning in Romania divides into urbanism and spatial planning, both resulting in urban and spatial planning documents:
-urbanism applies to the base administrative units (communes and the composing villages, cities, and municipalities)
-spatial planning was applied to the larger divisions (county and regions formed by more counties or parts of them)

• The National Level
The National Spatial Plan is amongst the most important planning documents in the country. It is the basis and a main guide for Regional and Local Planning. It consists of several sections. Each is approved by law, some of them are under work, and some only proposed. Landscaping and urban planning is coordinated nationally by the government, which establishes the basis for national development strategies, guidelines, sectorial policies, programs and projects.

• The Regional Level
The Regional Spatial Plan applies for the base administrative units within the same county, parts of counties, or entire counties. It is a strategic document which establishes guidelines on the regional level to the land use and the territorial transformations.

• The County level
The County Spatial Plans apply for a single county, including all its base administrative units.

• The Local Level
The urban plans include the General Urban Plan (PUG) and its corresponding Regulation of Urbanism (for entire base administrative units), the Zonal Urban Plan (PUZ) and its corresponding Regulation of Urbanism (for parts of the base administrative units), and the Detailed Urban Plan (PUD), intended for one or more specific objectives.


• Parliament of the Republic, Regional Council, County Council, City Council or Assembly.


Information, consultation and dialogue
The no. 27/2008 Act regulates the involvement of the public in the activities of landscaping and urban planning. Public participation ensures their right to information, consultation and access to justice, on the activities of landscaping and urban planning, law, throughout developing strategies and documentations of urbanism and landscaping, according to the methodology established by the Ministry of Development, Public Works and Housing in conjunction with the specific procedures stemming from environmental law.
Informing the public is the activity of the public administration and the authorities are making public the following:
a) Objectives of economic and social development on the Planning and Development of the urban localities;
b) The content of territorial development strategies and urban planning documentations to be subject to approval, as well as documentations approved by law;
c) The results of public consultation;
d) Decisions;
e) The implementation of decisions.


Main Planning legislation
Law 350 06/07/2001
The Romanian Parliament Law 350/2001 on spatial planning and urbanism
The main goal of spatial planning is to harmonize the whole territory of economic, social, environmental and cultural established at national and local level to ensure balanced development of different regions of the country, aiming at increasing cohesion and efficiency relations economic and social relations.
§ 1. (1) The territory of Romania is part of the national current wealth enjoyed by all citizens of the country, including management of development processes through activities landscaping, urbanism or urban development of central and local public authorities. […]
(5) The management of spatial planning aims to ensure the right of individuals and communities, fair use and the responsibility for efficient use of land, the appropriate housing conditions, the quality of architecture, architectural identity protection, transport services, energy consumption reduction, ensuring the protection of natural and constructed landscapes, the continuity of the conservation of biodiversity and creating ecological safety and sanitation, rationalization of demand for travel.

Ministry of Regional Development and Public Administration
Universitatea De Arhitectura Si Urbanism "Ion Mincu
Romanian spatial planning law

Romanian Register of Urban Planners