Društvo urbanistov in prostorskih planerjev Slovenije (DUPPS) Town and Spatial planning association of Slovenija (TSPAS)
ECTP-CEU member since: 2000
Amount of own members: Aprrox. 50
President: dr. Alma Zavodnik Lamovšek
Delegate(s): mag. Miran Gajšek
Contacts: Karlovška 3
1000 Ljubljana
tel: +386 31 278 516
e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Web: http://www.dupps.si/
Annual DUPPS reports to ECTP-CEU
Slovenia’s projects presented by DUPPS to the ECTP-CEU European and Regional Planning Awards:
2002 - 4th Edition:
• Spatial Development Plan of Maribor (Slovenia) : Special mention
2004 - 5th Edition:
• Town-Planning Concept in Connection with Public Transport along the Corridor of the Light-rail Line Ljubljana-Kamnik (Slovenia): Special mention
2008 - 7th Edition:
• Target Research Studies – A Basis for the Preparation of the New Spatial Plan of the City of Ljubljana (Slovenia): Special mention
2010 - 8th Edition:
• Ljubljana – Urban design quarry Ljubljana (Slovenia)
2012 - 9th Edition:
• Municipal spatial plan of the City of Ljubljana (Slovenia)
2016 - 11th Edition:
• Revitalizing Water Mills to obtain renewable energy (Slovenia)
Country Factsheet for Slovenia (.si)
ECTP-CEU Study Profession qualification Recognition - Stage II document - Appendix 4 Draft Directory (2012-12-21)
General Country Information
Capital City Ljubljana
Population 2,063,077
Area (km2) 20,273
Population Density 101.8 per km2
EU Membership Slovenia joined what is now known as the EU in 2004.
Slovenia is a republic under a parliamentary system.
There is no official Intermediate unit between the municipalities and the Republic of Slovenia. The 62 administrative districts, officially called "Administrative Units" (upravne enote), are only territorial sub-units of government administration. Slovenia is subdivided into 212 municipalities (eleven of which have the status of urban municipalities). The municipalities are the only bodies of local autonomy in Slovenia; the spatial and urban planning matters are shared between those administrative levels. The spatial planning documents define policies on land development, the range of possible interventions in space and the conditions and criteria for their implementation.
Slovenia’s Ministry contacts:
Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning
Dunajska c. 48
SI-1000 Ljubljana
T: +386 1 478 70 00
F: +386 1 478 74 25
E: gp.mop(at)gov.si
General guidelines and principles of urban planning have already been included in Slovenia's strategic documents, such as the Spatial Development Strategy of Slovenia, the Spatial Order of Slovenia and the National Housing Programme.
Ministry’s organogram:
Planning as a Regulated Profession in Slovenia
The profession is considered as part of engineering and architectural professions and is regulated by the ZAPS, the Chamber of Architecture and Spatial Planning of Slovenia.
An ‘authorized spatial planner’ or “Pooblaščeni prostorski načrtovalec” independently creates development plans, municipal strategic plans, regional and national spatial plans. This licence is available for the graduates from the fields of Urbanism, Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Geography and Civil engineering.
Professional Title:
The common professional name is " Pooblaščeni prostorski načrtovalec ".
EU Database Status:
The profession of “Pooblaščeni prostorski načrtovalec” in Slovenia is included in the EU Database of Regulated Professions.
National Regulation:
Indirect through the professional chamber of Chamber of Architecture and Spatial Planning of Slovenia (ZAPS), which holds a register of those allowed to practice under this title.
Building construction and Civil Engineering act (ZGO-1): http://www.pisrs.si/Pis.web/pregledPredpisa?id=ZAKO3490#
Regional regulation:
Universities with approved trainings in Slovenia
The courses leading to the profession of “Pooblaščeni prostorski načrtovalec”, or ‘authorized spatial planner’, are Third Level Degree in Planning.
In Slovenia, these courses are provided by:
• University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Architecture
The Faculty holds a Bachelor three year study programme in Urbanism and a Master two year study programme in Urbanism, which include:
• Urban planning and Urban design
• Urban Ecology
• Urban Sociology
• Rural Planning
• Municipal infrastructure
• History and Theory of Architecture
• History and Theory of Urbanism
• Regional and Structural Policy
• Regional Planning and Regional Development
• Spatial Economics and Management
• Urban and Architectural renovation
• Traffic System Planning
• Landscape Architecture
• University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Civic and Geodetic Engineering
The Master in spatial planning is a two year study programme, which includes:
• Planning Theory
• Regional and Structural Policy
• Regional Spatial Planning
• Rural planning
• Infrastructural systems
• Property law
• Municipal Economics and Housing Policies
• Real Estate Management
• Rural Planning
• Urban planning
Town Planning Press of Slovenia
• Urbani izziv
• Journal AR Architecture
• Creativity Game journal
• Trajekt
• Oris (Croatian publisher)
Country regulation:
Spatial planning documents are national, municipal and inter-municipal spatial planning acts:
• The National Level (DSPN, DPN)
The two national spatial planning documents are the ‘National strategic spatial plan’ (DSPN) and the ‘National spatial plan’ (DPN). Long-term strategic vision guiding of the spatial development is the basis of all other plans.
• The Regional Level (RPN)
‘Regional spatial plan’ (RPN) is used for the implementation of the regional development program in accordance with regulations on the promotion of balanced regional development, which require spatial development planning of regional importance. It is a highly technical spatial document; usually a formal planning document for a homogeneous, territorial unit.
• The Local or Municipal Level (OPN, OPPN)
Municipal spatial planning documents are the ‘Municipal master plan’ (OPN) and ‘Municipal detailed local plan’ (OPPN). Municipal spatial plan (OPN) is a spatial planning document, which, taking into account the guidelines of the national spatial planning documents and the municipal development needs and protection requirements, determines the objectives and guidelines for spatial development of the municipality, the spatial arrangements of local significance, and determine the conditions of placing buildings in space. Detailed municipal spatial plan (OPPN) provides the basis for obtaining a building permit.
• Parliament of the Republic, National Assembly, City Assembly, Town Council or Assembly.
Information, consultation and dialogue
In the planning process the competent state and municipal authorities are to allow the expression of the interests of individuals, groups and the participation of all interested parties in the process of preparing and adopting spatial planning acts.
Everyone has the right to be informed about the procedures of drafting spatial planning documents and the procedures involved in these initiatives and opinions.
The State and Municipal authorities in charge are to enable everyone an insight into the spatial planning documents and their expert papers and other documents related to spatial planning, as well as on matters of spatial planning to inform the public.
In the process of the drafting of the municipal spatial plan the Municipality is required to enable the public to be acquainted with the amended draft public exhibition, which lasts at least 30 days and during this time to ensure a public debate.
This public participation continues during its implementation, and even if it is reduced to the neighbours, they have a significant power of influence, including the right to a suspensive appeal.
Valid Regulations:
• Spatial Planning Act (OJ RS, No. 33/07)
• Convention on access to information, public participation in decision-making and access to justice in environmental matters - Aarhus Convention (OJ RS, No. 62/04)
• Spatial Development Strategy of Slovenia
• Act regarding the siting of spatial arrangements of national significance in physical space (OJ RS , no. 80/10)
Main Planning legislation
Zakon o prostorskem načrtovanju (ZPNačrt) (Uradni list RS, št. 33/07)
Spatial Planning Act (OJ RS, No. 33/07)
(general provisions)
(1) This law regulates spatial planning as part of spatial planning by providing both types of spatial planning documents, their contents and their mutual relations and processes for their preparation and adoption.
The goals of physical planning shall be:
(1) The objective of planning is to enable a coherent spatial development by addressing and coordinating the various needs and interests of the development of public benefit in the fields of environmental protection, nature conservation and cultural heritage, protection of natural resources, defence and protection against natural and other disasters.
(2) The activities in space and spatial arrangements should be designed so that they provide:
1. Sustainable development of the area and the efficient and economic use of land,
2. The quality of housing,
3. Spatially coherent and mutually complementary arrangement of various activities in space,
4. Renovation of existing, which takes precedence over the construction of a new,
5. Preserving recognizable features of the area,
6. Rehabilitation of degraded area,
7. The protection of the environment, natural resources and conservation of nature,
8. Integrated conservation of cultural heritage, including settlement heritage,
9. Ensuring public health,
10 Full access for the disabled people to the facilities and their use in accordance with the law and
11 National defence and protection against natural and other disasters.
(3) Spatial planning is in the public interest (…)”
Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning:
Chamber of Architecture and Spatial Planning of Slovenia:
Town Spatial Planning Association of Slovenia:
Urban planning Institute of the Republic of Slovenia:
Regulated Profession Database of the European Commission: