Slovakia - ZUUPS

Združenie pre urbanizmus a územné plánovanie na Slovensku (ZUUPS) 

ECTP-CEU member since: 25. 4.2015
Amount of own members: 25
President: Ing. arch. Igor Teplan
President of ZUUPS: Martin Baloga, PhD
Delegate(s): Prof. Inf. Arch. Maroš Finka, PhD., Ing. Arch. Martin Baloga, PhD.
Contacts: Panská 15
811 01 Bratislava
tel: +421 2 5443 10 78
e-mail :This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Annual ZUUPS reports to ECTP-CEU
Association for Urbanism and Territorial Planning in Slovakia (ZUUPS) is an integral part of Slovak Architects Society, focusing on urbanism, territorial planning and landscape planning issues and acts as a separate entity and has own statute.

Slovakia’s projects presented by ZUUPS to the ECTP-CEU European and Regional Planning Awards:

2010 - 8th Edition:

 Revitalization of Wood-Land Park Kamenný mlyn (Stone Mill)
 Urban Study Zlate Piesky (Golden Sand)

2012 - 9th Edition:

 4D Park Nitra
 Updating the Local System of Ecological Stability of Trnava

2014 - 10th Edition:

 Comprehensive transport master plan of the city Piešťany
 Mikroregion Radosinka

2016 - 11th Edition
 Agricultural and recreational development of the farm Agro CS Velke Dravce

Country Factsheet for Slovakia (.sk)
ECTP-CEU Study Profession qualification Recognition - Stage II document - Appendix 4 Draft Directory (2012-12-21)
General Country Information
Capital City Bratislava
Population 5 464 060
Area (km2) 49,035
Population Density 111 per km2
EU Membership Slovakia joined what is now known as the EU in 2004.

Slovakia is a parliamentary democratic republic with a multi-party system.

The country is subdivided into eightself-governmental regions (kraje) at the NUTS 3 level. These regions are divided into the 79 districts and 2928 municipalities. The spatial planning responsiblities are divided between national, regional and local levels.


Slovakia’s Ministry contacts:

Ministry of Transport and Construction of The Slovak Republic
Námestie Slobody 6
P. O. Box 100,
810 05 Bratislava
Slovak republic
T: +421 2 5949 4111
E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The main spatial planning institution at national and regional levels is the Ministry of Transport and Construction of The Slovak Republic with the competences in the field of territorial planning and regional planning. Among other key players in spatial planning are the Ministry for Environment, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and the Slovak office for cartography.

Planning as a Regulated Profession in Slovakia

Chamber of Architectsas administrative bodyresponsible for authorisation of the profession territorial planner indirectly operates the regulation.The profession is considered as part of architectural professions.

The Slovak Chamber of Architects is currently the only body in Slovakia which can grant professional certificates in the field of architecture, territorial planning and urban design incl. The Slovak Chamber of Architects regulates the professions of Architecture and Landscape architecture. There is not any special authorisation for spatial planners, although there is the study field Spatial Planning acredited in Slovakia, but the gradutates are excluded from the access to architrectural authorisation.

Scope of the authorization of architects and landscape architects:

The main assignments of an architect for urbanism and territorial planning involves developing town planning studies and general territorial plans - preparing territorial planning documentation at all hierarchic levels; including surveys and analyses.

In addition The Slovak Chamber of Civil Engineers regulates the engineering profession and the assignments of a Chartered civil engineer.They consist of the preparation of construction plans for public works and investment objectives, implementation of the comprehensive project activities, carrying out construction supervision, project management, preparation of planning documentation and representing the client.

EU Database Status:
The profession of “Urbanista” or “Územný plánovač“ – “town planner”or “territorial planner” in Slovakia is not included in the EU Database of Regulated Professions. However, the profession of “Architect“or "Authorized Civil Engineer" is included.

National Regulation:
Legal instrument on regulated professions:Act No. 138/1992 Coll. on Authorised Architects and Authorised Civil Engineers
(This Act regulates the status, rights and obligations of authorized architects and authorized civil engineers.)

Act No. 50/1976 Coll. Territorial Planning and Building Code (Building Act) 

Regional regulation:
Does not exist in Slovakia

Universities with approved planning trainings in Slovakia

These courses,relevant for the profession “Spatial planner,” are provided in Slovakia:
• Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Faculty of Architecture
The Faculty holds a Bachelor a three-year study programme in Architecture and Urbanism (urban design) and a two-yearMaster study programme in Urbanism (urban design). The Faculty also offers a Doctoral degree study in Urbanism. The Bc. and MSc. courses are a precondition for obtaining the profesional authorisation of authorized architect.
• Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava
Three levels of study programmes for Spatial Planning are settled at the university Institute of Management.
The Bachelor degree program represents the integration of strategic socio-economic planning of territorialsubjects, landscape planning and land-use planning accompanied with specific sectoral spatially relevant planning fields likeenvironmental planning, infrastructural planning and transport planning.
The Master degree program in Spatial Planning includes in the curriculumof five main orientations: landuseplanning, strategic planning, landscape planning and real estate management.Third level Degree in Spatial Planning represents specialised education preparing the specialists in spatial planning research and science. The education is not accepted for the authorisation by the Chamber of Architects.
 Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Faculty of Civil Engineering
 The Technical University of Košice, Faculty of Civil Engineering


Town Planning Press of Slovakia
• Projekt, Slovak Architectural Review
• Uzemne Plany (web)
• (web) Zelená architektúra ARCHITEKTÚRA & URBANIZMUS

Spatial Planning Press of Slovakia
Terra Spectra Planning Studies (STU – Spectra CE EU Bratislava, ISSN 1338-0370)


Country regulation:


Levels of spatial planning documentation:
Spatial planning documentation comprehensively addresses the spatial arrangement and functional use of the territory to reconcile the interests and activities affecting land development, environment and ecological stability and establishes the spatial arrangement and functional use of land. Spatial planning documentation is created for the Slovak Republic atthe national, regional and local or municipal level.

Planning documentation consists of:
a) Slovak Spatial Development Perspective,
b) Regional territorial plan,
c) Municipal zoning plan - masterplan ,
d) Zoning plan – regulation plan.

Slovak Spatial Development covers the whole of Slovakia. It determines the functional use of the territory of the Slovak Republic and establishes a framework of social, economic, environmental and cultural requirements of the state to territorial development, environmental care and landscape of the Slovak Republic and its regions.

The regional territorial plan is elaborated for part of the landscape with several municipalities in which to solve specific development plans or to carry out actions significantly affecting the spatial arrangement and the functional use of land. The regional territorial plan is required to be in accordance with the binding part of the Territorial Development Conception of Slovakia.

Municipal territorial plan is elaborated for the territory of one municipality or for the combined territory of two or more municipalities.

The Zoning plan is designated for a part of the municipality where the approved master plan provides for municipalities to obtain adetailed plan for a specific area and to define the land or building for public purposes.


• Government Office of the Slovak Republic, National Council, City Assembly, Town Council or Assembly.

The central authority is the Ministry of Spatial Planning.The spatial planning authorities are municipalities,autonomous regions and regional building authorities.


Information, consultation and dialogue
Preparinga Draft law on public participation in the legislative process is one of the current voluntarily government tasks.

The following are some sub-principles and rules of town planning, which were developed in 2014 and are published in a Policy for Promoting democracy in the territorial spatial planning.
9th “The procedures must allow the participation of all concerned entities, or anyone who is interested in participating in that plan.”

10th “Public participation should not be limited only to the inhabitants of the area, but should be open to all the people involved in the plan or process,…”
“Everyone has the right to be informed about the procedures of drafting spatial planning documents and procedures involved in these initiatives and opinions.”

21st “Local and regional authorities at various levels shall participate in participatory planning as those responsible for the process as a participating stakeholders.”

The public is involved in all three stages of spatial planning. The government bodies are bound to publish relevant information about the concept, draft and proposal of the spatial intervention, and the place where you can become familiar with it in detail, and also to inform the public about the possibility to respond to it within a specified period of 30 days.The drafter of the act may also assign a longer time period.(stavebný zákon) A part from the general notification, directly affected persons must be directly invited. Although the comments are duly discussed, there is no further legal guarantee of actually taking them into consideration.



Main Planning legislation
Zákon o územnom plánovaní a stavebnom poriadku (stavebný zákon) no. 50/1976.
(general provisions)
(1) This law regulatingSpatial planning stipulatesthe functional use of land, lays down the principles of organisation and regulation ofSpatial planning and other activities affecting the territorial development, the environment, ecological stability, cultural and historical values of the landscape in accordance with the principles of sustainable development.

The basic tools of spatial planning are the planning documentation, land-use planning documentation and zoningdocumentation.
(3) Land-use planning documentation consists mainly of:
a) Urban studies,
b) The general building scheme,
c) Land prognosis
d) Land technical materials,
e) Other documents.

The Urban study solves partial problems in the area in the processes of preparation of the zoning plan as a draft concept of spatial arrangement and the functional use of land.

The general building scheme addresses in detail questions of territorial development. It represents the underlying zoning and land-use planning documentation for further processing.

The Land prognosis addresses the long-term possibilities of spatial arrangement and functional use of land.

The Land technical materials act as a dedicated focus and continuously updated sets of data characterizing the status and conditions of area.

Other documents mainly consist of the formation and protection of the environment, nature and landscape, protection of cultural and historic heritage, technical and transport infrastructure.

(17) The Ministry methodically directs territorial authorities use planning in land-use planning activities and examines the land-use planning documentation.

Ministry of Transport and Construction of The Slovak Republic :

Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic:

Slovak architcts Society

Association for Urbanism and Territorial Planning:

Slovak Chamber of Architects:

Slovak Chamber of Civil Engineers:

Regulated Profession Database of the European Commission: