The 2020 European Urbanism Next Conference will be held June 25–26, 2020 at Maassilo in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. Pre-conference workshops will be on June 24, 2020.
Inspired by the annual Urbanism Next Conference in Portland, Oregon, USA, we believe Europe needs a similar conference to continue discussions started in the United States two years ago. The Urbanism Next Europe Conference will be an interdisciplinary convening of private, public and academic stakeholders who play critical roles in shaping the future of our cities. The conference will explore how technological, societal and economic trends will change the following:
Land use | Urban design | Building design | Transportation | Real estate
Equity | Health | Economy | Environment | Governance
Over 250 planners, architects, landscape architects, developers, technology experts, elected officials, academics, and many others are expected to attend the conference.
The Call for Proposals is now open
Proposal Information
Submit a proposal
Big changes are coming in Urban Mobility and Urban Development.
They’re coming fast, and will have profound impacts on land use, and real estate, public space, and building design, and on all transport modes.
How can we make sure these innovations actually make our cities better? To go from a reactive to a proactive approach, we need to engage political decision makers, planning and design professionals, real estate developers and the urban logistics sector, researchers and entrepreneurs, mobility service providers and corporate mobility planners, and many more.
Urbanism Next Europe will bring them together to discuss #WhatsNext for Urban Mobility and Development.
The sessions at Urbanism Next Europe will feature in-depth presentations exploring how technological, societal and economic mobility trends will change land use, urban design, transport, real estate, environment, equity, health, economy and governance. Each session will aim for a mix of formats, from traditional ones (presentations with Q/As and panel discussions) to more unconventional ones (Pecha Kucha and 'Brain-squeezing' sessions).