Pan European Guide / SPECIAL

Belgium Oost Vlaanderen Provincie signs the ECTP-CEU European Charter on Participatory Democracy

On March 1st, 2018, in Gent, Mrs Martine Verhoeve, Gedeputeerde ruimtelijke planning Provincie Oost-Vlaanderen signs the European Charter on Participatory Democracy with Joris Scheers, ECTP-CEU Secretary General and invites all municipalities from the Region to follow.

The Province of East Flanders is the first province to sign the charter and wants to give a clear signal to its partners and to all East Flemish people.Mrs Verhoeve wants to emphasize that participation is becoming the norm, because drawing up plans without at least listening to those involved is no longer possible.

To reinforce the message, the Province calls on all East Flemish cities, municipalities and intermunicipal authorities to follow its example.

Provincie OV


See here the call to all municipalities of the Region Oos-Vlaanderen to sign the European Charter on Participatory Democracy.

Oproep OV