Call for Contributions for Workshops and Exhibition
PARIS 27-29 JUNE 2017
Call for Contributions for Workshops and Exhibition - Proposal deadline : April 15th 2017
The European Council of Spatial Planners is organising with the City of Paris and the Plaine Commune the XIIth Biennial on the theme of "Cities and the Olympic Games, what benefits for the territories and their populations over the long term? "
This theme will be presented at an opening plenary with:
- representatives of Plaine Commune and Paris,
- Alfonso Vegara, Spatial planner and President of the Fondation Métropoli, President of the 2017-2018 European Urban And Regional Planning Awards,
- Joris Scheers, President of the European Council of Spatial Planners.
The workshops of the biennial will allow exchanges on
1- feedback from the European cities that hosted the Olympic Games:
Barcelona 1992
Athens 2004
London 2012
Munich 1972
Albertville 1992
Lillehamer 1994 /2016
Sochi 2014
Cities who lost after candidacy
Lille 2002
or cities that have finally abandoned their candidacy, such as Rome Budapest and Hamburg.
2- Elements of perspectives will also address the following themes:
Social cohesion
Values, identity, image
Environmental awareness
Economic competitiveness
The XII European Biennial of European Towns and Town Planners will bring key elements of understanding and the challenges that candidate cities must meet in order to make the organization of the Games an urban and social success.
The European Council of Spatial Planners (ECTP-CEU), of which the French association of Spatial Planners (SFU) is a member of, organizes conference-events called “European Biennial of Towns and Town Planners".
This European Biennial of Towns and Town Planners has taken place in:
- Herne (III 1999), 'Sustainable Development: A Challenge for Europe's Urban Regions
- Rotterdam (IV 2001), Culture of Cities - Transformations generating new opportunities
- Barcelona (V 2003), Connecting the City - Connecting Citizens
- Kopenhagen (VI 2005), City Living, Living City,
- Budapest (VII 2007), Making Places
- Nancy (VIII 2009), Europe: The spirit of cities
- Genoa (IX 2011), Smart planning for Europe's gateway cities. Connecting peoples, economies and places
- Cascais (X, 2013), New Paradigms, Challenges and Opportunities for European Cities - The Contribution of Spatial Planning to Overcome the Crisis
- Dublin (XI, 2015). Technology in Planning Practice. Making Cities Work
How are European Biennial of Towns and Town Planners organized?
European Biennial of Towns and Town Planners are characterized by rich scientific content divided between plenary sessions, site visits, practical workshops and exhibitions.
The subject is proposed jointly by the organizing communities and the ECTP-CEU.
The conclusions of the Biennials are published and disseminated amongst the 50 000 urban planners represented by the 27 ECTP-CEU member organizations and also to the authorities in charge of spatial planning in all countries of the Council of Europe, the European Commission and, in general, the entire professional Planning network.
Call for contribution on thematic workshop
6 workshops are organised in parallel on 28 June from 14:00 to 15:30. Each workshop has a president and a rapporteur
3 contributions will be chosen for each workshop, with 15’ presentation for each, and a time of exchange and debate with participants
3 speakers:
The Urbanity developed by the Olympic Games in the City
How can games transform the urbanity of a space?
What is the impact on the neighbourhoods receiving the equipment? the village?
Are the Games an opportunity? An accelerator? A trigger?
A demonstration of urban renewal?
On what scales does urbanity change?
In particular, what is the challenge of spatial reorganizing of the host city?
What impact on transport networks?
- from public spaces and their capacity of welcoming crowds to the intimacy of small districts
- neighbourhoods and large facilities: the shock of the scales between residential life and the event
Do games allow urban acupuncture?
And to innervate the city, to impel a rebirth?
Transportation and universal accessibility during and after the Games
3 speakers:
Gathering the energies and pride of the city
How do games contribute or not contribute to social cohesion?
On what scale?
What participation of the inhabitants?
In what forms?
Can we strengthen social solidarities on the Games?
What encounter spaces and what participation from the City around the games?
During preparation
During the games
After the games, in the moment of collective appropriation
How will participation become truly contributory in the long run for the city?
Round table of signatories of the European Charter on Participatory Democracy in Spatial Planning Processes.
3 speakers:
The city
Which governance for which games?
What participation of the inhabitants?
What citizenship?
What are the political issues?
How are they addressed?
What is the relationship between the flagship city that bears the bid and the others?
Can games trigger institutional recompositions?
How to articulate the metropolitan and national dimensions of hosting games?
What dynamics do the Games provide to the creation of a metropolitan / regional structure?
The history of Greater Paris and the rebalancing between Paris and Plaine CO
The history of Greater London and the rebalancing East West and North South through the Games
Other governance issues: To what scale is participation organized from regional to national?
Opportunity to set up Asset Management for the qualitative management of the city in interaction with its users. (Iso 55,000)
3 speakers:
Games Culture
What values can be bequeathed by games?
What interpenetration of cultural themes?
What values to carry and transmit?
What collective identity?
How to treat otherness?
The individual? Facing universal values?
How to take advantage of media exposure to talk about other things than games?
Games: a global showcase for:
Values of competition and shared peace in a common space: the planet, and its sustainable development (Cop 21/22 in progress)
The sharing of universal values for humanity and for the planet, in the effort and surpassing oneself, in team spirit
Respect of cultures and differences, including in the practice of sports
Contributions to the fight against climate change
3 speakers:
How to reconcile Games and sustainable cities?
What objectives?
What method?
How can the Games be an accelerator of the city's environmental transformation?
The challenges of energy transitions at the Games
What energy efficiency of town planning should be developed at the occasion of the games, leverage effect:
SPECIAL Guidelines:
1- Urban structure / energy efficiency
2- Planning
3- Towards 0 carbon
4- Governance and citizen participation
5- Implementing energy efficiency
6- Production of renewable energies
7- Heat and cold networks
8- Reuse of wasteland
9- Sustainable mobility
Economic competitiveness
The profits from the games and their sharing
3 speakers:
Presentation of a study by a student of the ESSEC Business School
What economic spin-offs?
Which economic model?
What positive externalities are driving the Games?
Communities invest in public space and equipment, and also in transports
This accelerator of the development has repercussions in value of tangible and intangible uses to be evaluated after 15, 30 and 50 years.
Comfort, quality of life, new sharing of common property, new management modes.
Showcase of companies, innovations, training and research.
THE ORGANIZING TEAM of the XII Biennial of European Towns and Town Planners
The Organizing Committee:
Dominique Lancrenon, SFU and OPQU Spatial Planner and Secretary General of the ECTP-CEU, member of IVD / Vivapolis,
Luc-Emile Bouche-Florin, Spatial Planner and Honorary President of the ECTP-CEU, delegate to the Council of Europe,
Emmanuel de la Masselière, Spatial Planner, winner of the European Urban and Regional Planning Awards 2016 with the Grand Roissy project
Jacques Perret, expert at the Albertville Olympic Games and for the integration of the Stade de France in Saint Denis
Vincent Baculard, Chief executive of Rouge Vif
And, within the Scientific Committee, for communities:
Marion Waller, Advisor to Jean-Louis MISSIKA, Deputy Mayor of Paris
Responsible for urban planning, architecture, for Greater Paris projects, economic development and attractiveness
Véronique Lavigne Responsible for the Territorial Strategy of the Common Plain
Céline Terrier Laurens Olympic and Paralympic Project - Paris 2024
Coordinator Environment, Development and Greater Paris, General Secretariat of the City of Paris
Jean Pierre Duport, former Prefect and Director of Spatial Planning, is the President of the Club of Partners contributing to the realization of this European event.
The Paris 2017 Biennial of European Towns and Town Planners is an initiative supported both by the city of Paris and by the community of Plaine Commune.
All the venues of conferences and meetings are at the heart of Greater Paris.
Site visits: on 27 June 2017
1- Urban walk of the Canal de l'Ourcq - Rêves de Scènes Urbaines
2- Presentation of the urban memory of the Stade de France for Greater Paris – Plaine Commune
3- Walk of the Seine, axis of innovation of Greater Paris – Société du Grand Paris
4- Around the Cité de Chaillot , International exhibition 1937 Walk with Cobaty International
Plenary and introductory roundtable:
Grand Amphi of the House of Human Sciences (Grand Amphi de la Maison des Sciences de l’Homme - MSH) of St Denis
The Pavillon de l'Arsenal in Paris
The City Hall of Paris
Friendly and networking events:
Welcome cocktail at the Pavillon de l'Arsenal on June 27th
Cocktail Exhibition in Plaine Commune on 28 June evening
Gala Dinner at the City Hall of Paris on June 29 evening
An exhibition will be held at the Pavillon de l'Arsenal in Paris:
Posters of the urban innovations proposed for the games - young urban planners
European Urban and Regional Planning Awards
A partner village will be held at the MSH to present the latest innovations from sponsors
Tuesday 27 June:
13:00 16:00 Sites visits 1-2
16:00 18:00 Sites visits 3-4
18:00 19:00 Presentation of the urban memory of the Stade de France for the Grand Paris
20:30 21:30 Welcome cocktail at the Pavillon de l'Arsenal
Wednesday 28 June:
Opening Plenary morning at the Maison des Sciences de l'Homme (St Denis)
8:30-11:00 With Joris Scheers, Anne Hidalgo, Patrick Braouezec, Alfonso Vegara
11:30-13:00 Plenary with introduction to the workshops (6 themes)
Afternoon Workshops at the Pavillon de l'Arsenal and at the Paris City Hall
14:15-15:45 Urbanity / Social cohesion / Governance / Values, identity, image / Environmental awareness / Economic competitiveness
16:00-18:00 Workshops feedback from European cities that have hosted the games: London, Athens, Barcelona, Munich, Albertville, Lillehammer, Hamburg, Rome ....
Evening Exhibition of urban innovations and cocktail at Plaine Commune. 19:00-22:00
Thursday 29 June:
9:00-11:00 Plenary Presentation of previous Olympic Games
11:30-13:00 Plenary restitution of workshops 1 to 3
14:15-15:45 Plenary restitution of workshops 4 to 6
16:00-17:00 Plenary Conclusions
19:00-22:30 Gala dinner at the City Hall of Paris
Friday 30 June:
ECTP-CEU General Assembly, Arsenal Pavilion
(restricted to ECTP-CEU members and planners associations Presidents)