2020-2030 Strategic Plan of Lisbon and Tagus Valley Region
This summary document is the result of the challenge posed (on 22 January 2018) by the Minister of Planning and Infrastructure, Mr. Pedro Marques, to the Commission for Regional Coordination and Development of Lisbon and the Tagus Region (CCDR LVT) and to the Regional Council of Lisbon and Tagus Region (CRLVT). The challenge was to present, together, the strategic thinking ought to be considered in policy making for Lisbon and the Tagus Region (RLVT) until 2030, regardless of governance and funding issues (i.e. European Investment Fund and Structural Funds), leaving these matters for a further stage.
Supported by the CRLVT, CCDR LVT embraced the challenge and led an experts and regional entities involving process, promoting debates and the gathering of global, sectorial and local visions, specific to territorial units. The whole process was benefited by the wide range of participants.
As a result of the RLVT agents’ extensive involvement, the document highlights the contributions of 42 experts as guest speakers in seminars, 172 participating entities, written inputs from 38 entities and 395 attendees at the thematic sessions.
The present contribution to the 2030 Strategy for the Lisbon and Tagus Valley Region was achieved in 4 months, with adherence to this challenge by the entities and experts invited to participate.
Overall, the leadership of this process noted the strong public mission spirit of the various participants, which recognises that RLVT plays a decisive role in leveraging competitiveness and strengthening internal cohesion, which motivated the generalised response to this collective challenge.
Something gratifying and to which I am not indifferent.
João Pereira Teixeira
ECTP-CEU Honorary President
>> see the English 6 page summuary
>> see the full 87 page report document in Portuguese