
European urban summer course - young planners event - quality of space-quality of life

The European Urban Summer Course took place in Lusofona University in Lisbon, from the 24th of September to the 1st of October. 
The Summer Course was promoted by ECTP-CEU, AESOP, IFHP, ISOCARP and EURA.
The young professionals from several European countries and Brazil, together with seasoned academics and practitioners, had the opportunity to work together and to discuss some of the most important planning topics in a platform of debate and exchange. It was an important occasion for the trans-European understanding of planning matters. As it usually happens in these courses, the good understanding of the specific language of planning was fundamental for a constructive dialogue. The translation of the glossary of planning terms to several languages was therefore key to the dialogue between planners from several countries.

The Quality of Space was explored : definition, meaning, methods of evaluation, monitoring and scope for improvement.
Practical applications were through some local plans.

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