Smart and Healthy Transport in cities


Smart and Healthy Transport in cities
Tue, 4. April 2017 - Wed, 5. April 2017



Mobility as a Service (MAAS)

  • Sociology – Behavioural models and “habits” of individual target groups
  • Business model for MAAS
    • Innovative models for financing integrated public transport systems
    • Financing from Regional Operational Programmes
  • Cooperation among municipalities, transportation companies and suppliers
  • MAAS from the perspective of European strategies and regulation(with the objective of interconnecting reservation systems, ticket vending systems, ticket issuing systems and other areas)
  • Public transportation as the backbone of MAAS
  • Innovative MAAS components (such as bike sharing, electromobility, car sharing, taxis...)
  • Projects – Positive and negative experiences
  • MAAS promotion and marketing

Sustainable Mobility

  • What is “clean mobility”? (EURO 6 vs. natural gas vs. electricity)
  • The relationship between “clean mobility” and shaping public space
  • It’s not just important what’s riding, but which way it’s going (public transportation preferences)
  • Reflecting climate change in transportation solutions
  • The White Paper in practice – How much are we following it?
  • From the city’s perspective – Which infrastructure to build, the significance of preference, use of e-buses for extending trolleybus and tram routes, at what ratio does it make sense?
  • From the transportation companies’ perspective – Which technology should be operated?
  • Public transportation promotion aimed at increasing the number of users

Urbanism and Public Transportation

  • Harmony between urban growth and transportation accessibility
  • Transportation solutions in (historical) urban centres
  • Handling stationary traffic, connections to public transportation
  • Public transportation terminals from various perspectives:
    • Pragmatic – Capability of planning transportation more cost-effectively (positive and negative examples)
    • Presentation – Accent on public space, civic amenities and landmarks – various approaches
    • Multimodal – Bike sharing, bicycle storage areas, park & ride lots, recharging stations for electric vehicles as a part of terminals

See all info on the website : 

Congress Centre

Parkhotel Plzeň
U Borského parku 31
320 04 Plzeň
Czech republic

