Designing City Resilience


Designing City Resilience
Tue, 16. June 2015 - Wed, 17. June 2015


Designing City Resilience

A two-day summit
16 & 17 June 2015
66 Portland Place, London

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Designing City Resilience

June 16 and 17, London

Chief Resilience Officers and senior government officials from cities around the world will be sharing the challenges they face at Designing City Resilience, the international summit providing a platform for communication between all those involved in building city resilience.

Hear how Barcelona and Glasgow are tackling high levels of unemployment and a lack of social cohesion to improve resilience and create future opportunities for citizens.

Discover how Bristol is continuing to decentralise city government, helping to empower people to minimise risk and to help them to use resources more efficiently.

City Resilience is a challenge that cuts across scales, whether your city is developed or developing, dealing with chronic stress or shock.

Melbourne and Chennai will share how they are planning and managing their infrastructure and governance to reduce the risk of damage from severe flood events and other impacts of climate change.

Last week, New York published its plan for City Resilience – learn how they will deal with the daily challenges faced by a large successful city and prepare to cope with all too prevalent shocks such as Hurricane Sandy in 2012.

Click here to download the summit programme

Designing City Resilience, being held on 16 and 17 June in London, aims to change the way cities are planned, designed and built – bringing together professionals from design and construction; development and infrastructure; city leadership and governance; insurance and finance; and technology and communications.

Book your place now to join this prestigious group


Organised on behalf of

Commonwealth Association of Architects

Content Partners & Sponsors




The Rockefeller Foundation

The Bartlett

LSE Cities


Future Cities Catapult

The International Union of Architects (UIA)

The Academy of Urbanism

Government Office for Science

Urban Age Programme

London Festival of Architecture

Carbon Trust

Media partners


World Cities Network

Cities Today

Crisis Response Journal

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