Building the City Port of 2030


Building the City Port of 2030
Thu, 6. June 2019 - Sat, 8. June 2019


Building the City Port of 2030 will mean tackling some challenges that are now unavoidable: faster urban development, populations concentrated in coastal areas, environmental quality for public well-being, climate change and the need to protect biodiversity, constantly increasing flows of people and goods, and the digitization of the economy and all the resulting social and societal uncertainties. The challenges facing decision-makers are more numerous and complex than ever. Given all of this, progress will inevitably mean taking risks, but they must be taken collectively on the basis of shared knowledge and constant dialogue between port and city. Together we will strive, together we will challenge ourselves, and together we will build the future!

As the pace of change in port cities accelerates, theAgenda AIVP 2030 sets out some simple, but essential commitments to affirm the City-Port-Citizen relationship as an ecosystem in which balance is key:

  • that are integrated into their local territory and guarantee smooth, fluid mobility;
  • with managed growth and a strong maritime and river-based identity;
  • educated about the maritime economy and with access to a unique waterside living environment.

Our two-day event in Riga is an opportunity to begin sharing our international experience and knowledge on the 10 commitments that form our 2030 Agenda, and will launch AIVP’s policy programme for the next 12 years. It will bolster our commitment to helping port decision-makers and elected representatives from our cities sign up to concerted initiatives, aimed at contributing effectively to the UN’s 17 sustainable development goals.

In Riga, let’s lay the foundations for the City Port of 2030!

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