Austria - bAIK

Bundessektion - Ingenieurkonsulenten / Bundesfachgruppe Raumplanung,
Landschaftsplanung und Geographie (bAIK)

ECTP-CEU member since: 2015
Amount of own members: 90
President: DI Christian AULINGER
Delegate(s): Gerhard Vittinghoff
Contacts: Karlsgasse 9/2
1040 Wien
tel: (01) 505 58 07
fax: (01) 505 32 11
e-mail :
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Annual bAIK annual reports to ECTP-CEU

Austria’s projects presented by bAIK to the ECTP-CEU European and Regional Planning Awards:

Country Factsheet for Austria (.at)

ECTP-CEU Study Profession qualification Recognition - Stage II document - Appendix 4 Draft Directory (2012-12-21)

General Country Information
Capital City Vienna
Population 8,316,000
Area (km2) 83 858
Population Density 99 per km2
EU Membership Austria joined what is now known as the EU in 1995.

Austria is a federal republic, composed of 9 federal states; spatial planning is the competence of the states through their own spatial planning laws and the municipalities have the most powerful level.


Austria’s Ministry contacts:

There is no Spatial Planning Ministry in Austria; the competence is at local level.


Planning as a Regulated Profession in Austria

The profession is considered as part of engineering and architectural professions and is regulated by the bKAI, the federal chamber of Architects and Engineers.

Professional Title:
The common professional name is "Raumplaner".

EU Database Status:
The profession of “Raumplaner” in Austria is not included in the EU Database of Regulated Professions.

National Regulation:
Indirect through the professional chamber of Architecture and Engineering.

Regional regulation:

Universities with approved trainings in Austria

The courses leading to the profession of “Raumplaner”, or town planner, are Third Level Degree in Planning.
In Austria, these courses are provided , by:
• Vienna University of Technology, Faculty of Planning and Architecture
The Master in Regional Planning and Development is a two year course, which includes:
• Planning Theory
• Regional and Structural Policy
• Regional Planning and Regional Development
• Urban and Regional Economics
• Traffic System Planning
• Building Codes and Civil Engineering Law
• Landscape Planning
• Social Inequality, Segregation and Integration


Town Planning Press of Austria

• Architektur Aktuell
• Architekturzeitung
• Architekturjournale

Country regulation:


The town planning powers are exercised at local level; municipalities define the land use.

There are three main documents in the Austrian town planning system:
• “Das Örtliche Entwicklungskonzept und der Entwicklungsplan” (Local Development Programme)
• “Flächenwidmungspläne” (Zoning Plan)
• “Bebauungspläne” (Development Plan)

“Das Örtliche Entwicklungskonzept und der Entwicklungsplan” (Local Development Programme):
The local development concept has to determine the needs of communities. It is a strategic plan that sets out objectives to be pursued on environment, economy, and settlement areas. It must anticipate the needs in all matters and coordinate land-use between the different local authorities through a supra-local level.

“Flächenwidmungspläne” (Zoning Plan):
It is the document that divides and defines the different spaces and their types of use, according to the needs, the existing structures and the activities. The guidelines used to limit the spaces are those coming from the Local Development Programme. It also puts restrictions to areas concerned by flooding, landslide or avalanche risks, to avoid any natural damage.

“Bebauungspläne” (Development Plan):
In accordance with the zoning plan, it determines the requirements for building land parts and free spaces. It is a more detailed document, treating on matters such as height and ways, and carried out on the request of the landowner. Elaborated by the mayor, with the approval of the council, it allows adjacent owners to get information on the ongoing project, and make comments on drafts.

There is also a “European Territorial Cooperation” (Europäische Territoriale Zusammenarbeit), with the purpose to develop cross-border links (with Slovenia and Hungary for example) on economic and social matters through defined spaces of cooperation.


• City Council, Provincial Government, Country


Information, consultation and dialogue
The Austrian Council of Ministers, on 2 July 2008, adopted a document to promote public participation in the federal Austrian administration; it is “The Standards of Public Participation”.
It applies performance standards for politics to enhance public involvement in the decision making process. This document provides guidelines and support in the participation process, which is usually composed of two steps:
• Informative participation, where interest groups and citizens are informed, with the possibility to consult the documents or their drafts.
• Consultative participation, which is an opportunity to influence the decision taken through comments on suggestions or plans.

There is a last step of consultation with a high level of influence, it implies joint decisions. Here, interested parties can debate on the project, its details, and how it will be implemented.



Main Planning legislation
From Steiermärkisches Raumordnungsgesetz 2010 (Steiermärkisches Regional Planning Act 2010), modified in April 2015, Allgemeine Bestimmungen (General provision), §1:
Dieses Gesetz regelt die Raumordnung in der Steiermark.
(2) Raumordnung im Sinn dieses Gesetzes ist die planmäßige, vorausschauende Gestaltung eines Gebietes, um die nachhaltige und bestmögliche Nutzung und Sicherung des Lebensraumes im Interesse des Gemeinwohles zu gewährleisten. Dabei ist, ausgehend von den gegebenen Strukturverhältnissen, auf die natürlichen Gegebenheiten, auf die Erfordernisse des Umweltschutzes sowie die wirtschaftlichen, sozialen, gesundheitlichen und kulturellen Bedürfnisse der Bevölkerung und die freie Entfaltung der Persönlichkeit in der Gemeinschaft Bedacht zu nehmen.

(This law regulates spatial planning in Styria).
(2) Regional planning in the sense of this law is the systematic, forward-looking design of an area to ensure sustainable and optimal use and protection of the habitat for the sake of the common well-being. It is based on the given ratios structure, the natural conditions, the requirements of the Environmental protection and the economic, social, health and cultural needs of the population and the free development of people in the community to take care.


Bundessektion - Ingenieurkonsulenten / Bundesfachgruppe Raumplanung, Landschaftsplanung und Geographie (bAIK):  `

Bundeskanzleramt Österreich:  

Land Steiermark:  

Österreichisches Institut für Raumplanung:  

Regulated Profession Database of the European Commission: