ECTP-CEU Newsletter n° 4
August 2013
 All info contained in this Newsletter as well as a lot of other information is available on ECTP-CEU website. Please consult our website at www.ectp-ceu.eu where you will also find an agenda of worldwide planning events.

ECTP-CEU HQ New phone number : +32 (0) 470 350 432 |

Dear all, This August 2013, the main purpose of my editorial is to encourage you to actively participate in the 10th Biennial of European Towns and Town Planners in Cascais 18-21 September 2013.
Spatial Planners gather to discuss them on the role of urban and landscape planning, essential to defy the social change crisis we are currently experiencing:
- The principles and commitments of the The Charter of European Planning approved in Barcelona in April 2013 will be at the heart of discussions with the most prominent speakers - The Young Planners will present the work they have developed during the year in Germany, Turkey, Ireland, Spain, Italy and Great Britain - The SPECIAL project, to which the ECTP-CEU contributes alongside the TCPA, demonstrates how sustainability and energy efficiency are at the heart of the concerns of planners in their projects - The 10th European Urban and Regional Planning Awards, also in connection with the Committee of the Regions,will be launched at this occasion while an exhibition will present the winning projects of the previous edition.
For the first time the General Assembly of the ECTP-CEU will meet at the same time as the Biennial event; guaranteeing a wider European participation in this event, and perpetuating it in time.
At this meeting, we move forward together on the recognition and qualification of planners in Europe, preparing the basic protocols of agreement between countries to allow free movement of spatial planners.
I especially want to thank João Teixeira and the City of Cascais who had the courage to organize the 10th Biennial of European Towns and Town Planners in these difficult times, we aknowledge the energy to mobilize participants.
Let me have a special thought for our Turkish colleagues whose struggle for the protection of a common heritage that is Taksim square shows the real commitment of professionals for the functioning of democracy, fundamental value uniting Europe people. We are on their side in these dramatic moments and hopefully, founders of better times.
Finally, during the last days of the year as President of the ECTP-CEU, I would particularly like to thank Bruno Clerbaux, our Secretary General who led a tireless and tenacious action to allow our volunteer organization to have a better visibility and recognition, especially by organizing its headquarters in BELO offices in Brussels, working in harmony with sister associations AESOP, IFHP and ISOCARP with whom we now share the office, developing new services for our members through the development of the website, and numerous other great and creative initiatives that I undertake to pursue my best in the coming years.
See you in September in Cascais
Dominique Lancrenon President ECTP-CEU
- Editorial by Dominique Lancrenon, ECTP-CEU President
- The Xth Biennial of European Towns and Town Planners
- Publication of the book A Centenary of Spatial Planning in Europe
- The Charter of European Planning
- 10th European Urban and Regional Planning Awards
- ECTP-CEU - AESOP Summer School
- New ECTP-CEU Members
- New ExCo
- New ECTP-CEU Service : call for tenders
- Young Planners 2013 & e-Book
- Deregulation in Poland
- Crisis in Turkey linked to Urban Planning
- Is Slovenia becoming the botanic and zoo garden of the EU?
- Barcelona photos
10th Biennial of European Towns and Town Planners Cascais 19-21 September 2013
New Paradigms, Challenges and Opportunities for European Cities The contribution of Spatial Planning to overcome the crisis
Children born today may live until 2090. We are preparing our cities for them. How should we do that? And how should we combine the new paradigms, the new basis of city life with the struggle to overcome of the current crisis?
The Biennial will try to answer these questions and will be focused on different aspects of these subjects:
- Theoretical presentations by keynote speakers and authors of papers (general and specific; covering energy, water, information, public participation, demography; environment; new technologies, new materials and new methodologies);
- Young Planners Workshop on City without Public Economic Funds;
- Young Planners Workshop on Urban Regeneration;
- Best practice exhibition of innovative urban solutions;
- Best practice exhibition of recently completed innovative plans and projects;
- Exhibition of recently developed new technologies;
- The exhibition and conference presenting the winning projects in 2012 European Urban and Regional Planning Awards;
- Poster exhibition and conference presenting selected projects in the Cascais Urban Award 2013.
Confirmed Keynote speakers: Bernardo Secchi, Louis Albrechts, Alain Bourdin, Joan Busquets, Paolo la Greca, Oriol Nel.lo, António Câmara, Jaime Melo Baptista, Vincent Goodstadt, Kevin Murray, Ismael Fernandez Mejia, Izabela Mironowicz, Elin Sondergard, Pierre Laconte, Joaquim Poças Martins, Rafaela Matos, José Saldanha Matos, Helena Alegre, Helena Marecos, Eduardo Oliveira Fernandes, António Costa Silva, Nuno Ribeiro da Silva and Manuel Duarte Pinheiro.
Come to the 10th Biennial of European Towns and Town Planners in Cascais. Bring us your professional experience, your questions and concerns, your answers and solutions. Together we will learn how to face the New Challenges, how to find New Opportunities, within the scope of New Paradigms.
João Teixeira Chairman of the 10th Biennial ECTP-CEU Vice-president Cascais Municipality Director for Strategy, Innovation and Quality
You can find the preliminary Program of the Biennial on the Cascais website here: http://cascaisurban2013.pt/en/program
The registration page is here: http://cascaisurban2013.pt/en/registration
ECTP-CEU has published the book “A Centenary of Spatial Planning in Europe”.
This book, an ECTP-CEU initiative, is part of the programme of celebrating the centenary of spatial planning in Europe and was launched at a ceremony held at Barcelona City Hall in April 2013.
The publication of this book was made possible thanks to the valuable contribution of 31 papers by 37 colleagues.
The different approaches and varied perspectives (theoretical, historical, practical, regional, local) provide diversity and complexity and the rich texture with which it is customary to planners to work.
We hope that reading this book will bring you great pleasure.
João Texeira
ECTP-CEU HQ New phone number : +32 (0) 470 350 432 |
Charter of European Planning
The 2013 Barcelona General Assembly of ECTP-CEU approved in April 2013 “The Charter of European Planning”. This combines the Istanbul Addendum with the 2003 New Charter of Athens into a single document.
It retains the core Vision in the 2003 NCA document but made clearer, less time-dated and stronger. It also promotes a more pro-active role for planners in shaping public debate, (e.g. in dealing with the economic role of planning).
It updates the 2003 Charter so that it continues to be relevant to the current and future issues Europe faces which need to be greater weight than they were given in the 2003 Charter (e.g. climate change, regional planning and ecosystems).
It has been renamed The Charter of European Planning because this reflects more clearly its purpose.
This now allows the ECTP-CEU to develop an Action Plan over the next two years in order to implement the Charter. This will be targeted at groups of stakeholders such as our members, the European Union and our national governments, for example, in terms of its implications for metrpolitan planning areas or for planning schools.
In addition it has been agreed to update the Code of Conduct and refer to it in the Charter of European Planners. The existing Code (drafted 25 years ago) is now in need of a review; the revised draft Code of Conduct reflects the update that is required.
The ECTP-CEU’s European Urban and Regional Planning Awards give recognition to planning strategies, schemes or developments which make an outstanding contribution to the quality of life in urban and rural regions of Europe. This upcoming round of the awards will focus on planning for sustainable energy solutions. It is being run in partnership with the SPECIAL project (Spatial Planning and Energy for Communities in All Landscapes) in collaboration with the TCPA (Town and Country Planning Association).
ECTP-CEU is proud to organise the 10th European Urban and Regional Planning Awards in partnership with SPECIAL project and Intelligent Energy Europe. This partnership enhances the integration of sustainable energy and spatial planning. Most spatial planning projects are described in relation with sustainable energy. Spatial planning is an integrated approach and planners can describe in what sense a sustainable project allowed energy efficiency; not only with the quality of the building, but also with the transportation systems, the spatial composition itself, the quality of use and the management of natural resources.
So the SPECIAL colour of the 10th award, focusing on sustainable energy, will enhance the quality of spatial planning and sustainability without restricting the candidacies in most cases.
This is also a particular opportunity now that we have refreshed the European Charter of Spatial Planning stressing the emergency for strategy, participation processes and sustainable development in all processes of spatial planning. The Award will be open to spatial planners and municipalities from the 47 European Countries of the Council of Europe.
All details will be announced at the launch at the Biennial in Cascais on September 19 2013.
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Sunday 8th to Sunday 15th September 2013
San Pablo CEU University, Madrid, Spain
At a time of abrupt changes, when the old urban models are quickly becoming obsolete and inefficient, there is an opportunity to look into the future to envisage new strategies. We intend to work on the wounds inflicted on the city by the speculative urbanism: there is a need to bring into question the existing model of urban growth, working from the present situation towards new theoretical and practical visions to recycle our cities. This is the chance to put forward proposals to challenge the uncontrolled urban growth, to review the situation of the new suburban territories, and to regenerate the consolidated fabric of the inner city.
Instead of lame, simplistic, speculation driven solutions we need a multiple and diverse urbanism, capable to adapt to complex situations. New strategies may include reusing the city, rethinking the territory, generating activity, diversity, complexity and density.
New strategies may consider how to enhance participation of the citizens in the making of the city. Would it be possible an urbanism that deals in a more responsible manner with people needs?
All info here
Two candidacies as new members were presented at the General Assembly of Barcelona, April 2013: As full member the FSU from Switzerland and as corresponding member Downey Planning. Both candicacies were unanimously approved by the ECTP-CEU GA and they immediately have the status of observer, becoming effective members in Cascais in September 2013.
The ECTP-CEU Executive Committee has been elected at it's General Assembly in Barcelona on April 22nd 2013. This newley elected Committee will start its term after the conclusion of the General Assembly following the one at which it is elected; being in Cascais September 22nd. The Executive Committee as from September 22 2013 is composed of: • First President: (Autumn 2013-Autumn 2015) Hendrik van der Kamp (IE) • Second President: (Autumn 2015-Autumn 2017) Joris Scheers (B) • Secretary-General: Dominique Lancrenon (F) • Treasurer: Michael Stein (D) • Administrator: Vincent Goodstadt (UK) • Administrator: João Teixeira (P) • Administrator: Ignacio Gavin Peman (E)
ECTP-CEU HQ New phone number : +32 (0) 470 350 432 |
This Tender Service proposes tenders mostly for Spatial Planners from all over Europe.
The tenders are classified by the following categories:
- Prior Information Notice
- Additional information
- Contract notice
- Contract award
- Public works concession
- Design contest
- Qualification system with call for competition
- Results of design contests
- Voluntary ex ante transparency notice
- Dynamic purchasing system
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ECTP-CEU 2012 Young Planner's To conclude the ECTP-CEU 2012 Young Planner's Working group, ECTP-CEU is proud to share the publication of the e-book "Planning & Territorial Cohesion". Download the e-book here.
ECTP-CEU 2013 Young Planner's The ECTP-CEU 2013 Young Planners workshop on “City without Public Economic Funds": This workshop-project is to be included in the 10th Biennial of European Towns and Town Planners and will be held on September 18th in Cascais under the general title “New Paradigms, Challenges and Opportunities of European Cities. The contribution of Spatial Planning to overcome the crisis”.
The Biennial organization has planned a specific parallel session in the context of projects developed by young planners and based on the topic of the challenges of the city within the new framework of economic crisis; giving a specific role to young planners conceiving new solutions to new economic context.
The workshop will be preceded by two online audio meetings to coordinate the content and to identify the points of discussion in order to enrich the final presentation to be shared at the Biennial on September 20th.
Download the full program of the Workshop here. And results of the workshop in the blog: http://ectpyoungplannersworkshop.wordpress.com
We have received alarming messages from Dr. Ümit Özcan, Vice President of SPO (Turkish Chamber of City Planners) and we are supporting them in the best possible way.
Internationally, professional and non-governmental organizations are responsible for the protection and development of public benefits, goods, spaces and services. The ECTP-CEU has become increasingly aware that, with respect to these democratic responsibilities to the society, the Chamber of City Planners (the recognised professional planning organization in Turkey) has been struggling to ensure that plans and projects within Turkey are compliant with planning rules and laws in order to deliver a range of public participation and benefits.
Unfortunately the decision processes in Turkey seems to have fallen short of what is required and has resulted in the filing of almost 600 lawsuits in order to protect the public interest. These problems have also given rise to peaceful protests and demonstrations. The ECTP-CEU is concerned that despite this the response from the Government, after a first step of discussion, has been confrontational. Especially the government actions against Chamber of City Planners members in Istanbul Branch have created a deep concern on ECTP-CEU and for our member countries.
The persistent processes as well as project implementations in Turkey that have been closed to the public participation seem controversial. However we are also concerned that the basis of the proposals seems to have not stood up to perfect technical scrutiny. For example, it appears that there were many objections from professional organizations to the plans of the 3rd Bridge of Istanbul, which was accomplished by the government with a groundbreaking ceremony on 29 May 2013. After millions of trees were cut down for building the bridge pier and the connection to the main roads, these plans have been cancelled by the government itself on 11 July 2013 because these installations were built at the wrong place.
This very recent example raises the concern that, the planning practice in Turkey could be in direct conflict with the international principles of planning science and practices. These include not only those promoted by the ECTP-CEU itself through its 2013 Charter of European Planning but also those of the European Union, for example , the Leipzig Charter and Toledo Declaration.
Click here to read the report drafted by Duygu Cihanger about the urbanistic problem, origin of the current social conflict in Turkey. It includes maps and photos very illustrative of the history of the square and the urban proposal.
The Polish Planning Chamber is under threat of liquidation.
The Polish government plans to abolish all formal rules for the exercise of Spatial Planning in Poland.
The ECTP-CEU strongly supports the Polish Planning Chamber. See more information here
Mag. Peter Bassin, grad. eng. arch. Urban planner
IS SLOVENIA BECOMING THE BOTANIC AND ZOO GARDEN OF EU? The Slovene Ministry for Agriculture and Environment has recently presented the proposal for 2% enlargement of the NATURE 2000 protected territory. The mayors of the 210 local communities have once again been present to the almost ”illegal act” of spatial planning of the State on territories of local communities. They are by themselves according to the Slovene Constitution the only responsible for spatial development planning of their local territory. Local spatial development planning is even more important because in Slovenia no official regional planning is practiced. In Slovenia exists only two levels: the national and the local (communities’) level. When such important constraint in the spatial development as enlargement of NATURE 2000 is introduced, it would be definitely easier to coordinate spatial development demands and NATURE 2000 constraints on regional level.
Barcelona Photos We warmly thank again all who hosted the last ECTP-CEU General Assembly in Barcelona - April 2013
Click here to see all photos
 All info contained in this Newsletter as well as a lot of other information is available on ECTP-CEU website. Please consult our website at www.ectp-ceu.eu where you will also find an agenda of worldwide planning events.

ECTP-CEU HQ New phone number : +32 (0) 470 350 432
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ECTP-CEU (aisbl) - Avenue d’Auderghem 63 - B-1040 Brussels - T +32 (0) 470 350 432 www.ectp-ceu.eu This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.';document.getElementById('cloak483cf48f8da09e46fa48cd06a31eb33b').innerHTML += ''+addy_text483cf48f8da09e46fa48cd06a31eb33b+'';