II. News from ECTP-CEU Members
1. News from ZUUPS, SLOVAKIA
ZUUPS – Slovak Association for Urban and Regional Planning, Bratislava, Slovak Republic
The Association is permanently active on the necessity of promotion/enlightment of the continual, sustainable, integrated and responsible planning process. Reason of this necessity is more-less in absence of long-term development strategy even on the state level.
The Association wants to reach even for each settlement (towns and communes) long-term 15-20 years development plans, i.e. planning on all levels of our society. Planning is introduced as the societal agreement created on two main priorities: the public utility and sustainability of the life quality. At the beginning of 2019 a special number of the Slovak Architectural Review „Project 1/2019“ with together 15 important articles on the most topical theme of urban and regional planning (on 60 pages with a lot of colored pictures) was issued. Also ECTP-CEU at its fourth decade of its activities was introduced there. In April 2019 a seminar on „Protection of Monuments in the Urban-Architectonical-Landscape Creation“ which the European Fund of Regional Development from the BENEFIT-Interreg CE project supported was implemented by ZUUPS.
This year already the 6th competition for urban, regional and landscape planners „Prize of ZUUPS 2019“ was declared as the first round of the ETCP-CEU European Urban and Regional Planning Awards 2020. Minister of the transport and construction of the Slovak Republic took the sponsorship over this national competition. Works not older as three years could be presented.
ZUUPS is active in preparatory works on Action Plan for Climate Change Adaptation which would successfully contribute to the Agenda 2030 goals. Together with the Slovak Environmental Agenda, ZUUPS prepared the Czech-Slovak Conference on Contaminated Sites (Piešťany, Slovakia June 19-21, 2019), where a special block of lectures on Landscape Exhibitions as a Tool of Revitalization of the Contaminated Sites was prepared. An important professional meeting (level of a conference) to the new Building Act in Slovakia is under preparation by ZUUPS (Martin-City, November 13, 2019). The winners of urban and regional planning national ZUUPS 2019 competition will be declared within the meeting and also the Urban Agenda will be presented for the public there. ZUUPS is also active on the discussion to the new study subjects at the universities in Slovakia. Its priority in this sphere is to enhance the level of Spatial Planning and the Landscape Architecture at the University level.
Call from Association of Croatian Urban Planners
Sandra Jakopec, president

The initiative to call upon this matter has been the recent article on ArchDaily website showcasing the finalist work from Superspace for the Zagreb Observation tower competition. We would very much appreciate it if you would publish this letter as a whole document since it is an explicit portrait of a topic we are addressing. In light of recent local realities which our city of Zagreb is facing, we as local and national professional bodies: Zagreb Society of Architects, Association of Croatian Urban Planners, Croatian Chamber of Architects, University of Zagreb Faculty of Architecture and Croatian Association of Landscape Architects, would like to open up a general discussion regarding the possible negative scenarios that might be reoccurring in other places as well, so please take this as a valuable insight. The initiative to call upon this matter has been the recent article on ArchDaily website showcasing the finalist work from Superspace for the Zagreb Observation tower competition. ->> full letter