Newsletter December 2018



ECTP-CEU Newsletter





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ExCo & GA:

The Autumn ECTP-CEU General Assembly was held in Brussels last November 16th-17th along with a debate session on Planning issues at the Bouwmeester atelier by Leo Van Broeck and a presentation on Groundtruth 2.0 project, by Üta Wehn.

The XIII Biennial of European Towns and Town Planners: 
Plymouth 11-13 SEPTEMBER, 2019 
Save the date!

XIII Biennial of European Towns and Town Planners, Plymouth, “Planning on the edge” - 11-13 SEPTEMBER, 2019.

A meeting was held last 7th December with representatives of ECTP-CEU, the Royal Town Planning Institute, University of Plymouth, the  Plymouth City Council and the ECTP-CEU.

The preperation is launched, more news very soon!

Group photo 350

Stephen Essex, Dept of Geography University of Plymouth; Joris Scheers, ECTP-CEU Secretary General; Richard Blythe, Head of Policy Practice & Research RTPI; Ignacio Peman ECTP-CEU President; Paul Barnard, Service Director for Strategic Planning and Infrastructure, Plymouth City Council; Amanda Lumley, Chief Executive Destination Plymouth; Michele Vianello, International Policy and Research Officer, RTPI.

The XIIth European Urban and Regional Planning Awards 2018 - hosted for the fourth consecutive time by the European Committee of the Regions of the European Union -  sponsored this time by Groupe ADP and supported by Fundación Metrópoli.

The winners were celebrated in Paris on 18 May 2018 and were presented to the COTER members on 24 October at the CoR in the presence of Mr Spyros Spyridon, Vice Chair of the COTER.

With presentations from: 

• Mr Kieran McCarthy, Member of the EU Committee of the Regions, member of the Awards Jury
• Mrs Dominique Lancrenon, member of the Awards Jury, honorary ECTP-CEU President
• Mr Joris Scheers, ECTP-CEU Secretary General, honorary ECTP-CEU President

ECTP-CEU at the CoR

Mr Spyros Spyridon, Mr Joris Scheers, Mrs Dominique Lancrenon, Mr Kieran McCarthy  

See all photos of the event

Deinze, Sint Niklaas and Herzele sign the European Charter on Participatory Democracy

On the 3rd of October, 2018, in Gent the 3 municipalities of Deinze, Herzele and Sint-Niklaas signed the European Charter on Participatory Democracy published by the ECTP-CEU.
Mrs Martine Verhoeve, deputy of spatial planning of the Province of East Flanders already signed the document on March 1st 2018, calling on other East Flemish authorities to do the same.
The Province is pleased these three East Flemish authorities have also embedded the practice of civil participation into their policy. It’s a clear sign that collaborating by participation is a very constructive way to reach many satisfactory goals, because you don’t make plans on your own.
The province definitely hopes that other municipalities from the Region will follow and also engage by signing the European Council of Spatial Planning's Charter.

Charter sign gent

Marijke Henne, Joris Scheers, Martine Verhoeve, Jan  Vermeulen and Jan Van Damme

Province of East Flanders
Mrs Martine Verhoeve
deputy of spatial planning of the Province of East Flander

Mrs Marijke Henne
schepen voor stedelijk basisonderwijs en kinderopvang, wonen, inburgering en participatie, stad Sint-Niklaas

Mr Jan Vermeulen
Burgemeester stad Deinze

Mr Jan Van DammeMrs Martine Verhoeve, deputy of spatial planning of the Province of East Flanders
schepen van Stedenbouw gemeente Herzele

Mr Joris Scheers, ECTP-CEU Secretary General

See more photos from the Signature event



II. News from ECTP-CEU Members


1. News from OPQU & SFU, France

Digital technology for planning and Spain in the spotlight for the next « assises de l'OPQU » - 22 and 23 March 2019, Perpignan

OPQU (Office Professionnel de Qualification des Urbanistes) is in charge of qualification recognition of spatial planners in France. Every year, OPQU organises « Les assises de la qualification des urbanistes » with a program including presentations, debates and participation of planners representatives from a European country.

The next « assises » will occur on 22 and 23 March 2019 in Perpignan, France, and will deal with the implications of digital technology for planning practice. On the occasion of this 6th annual meeting, Spain will have the place of honour to present how the profession is structured (training, certification and practice).
For more information, please visit 

ASSISES 2019 Réservez les dates

Les prochaines assises de la qualification auront lieu à Perpignan les 22 et 23 mars 2019. Réservez dès maintenant vos dates. Un programme détaillé vous sera communiqué en début d’année 2019, mais déjà imaginez une déambulation dans le centre de Perpignan, des visites de projets autour de la Ville, l’Espagne comme pays invité et un sujet sur l’évolution des pratiques des urbanistes confrontés aux outils numériques.

2. News from The Serbian Town Planners Association (STPA):

The 27th International Exhibition of Urbanism (Serb. 27. међународни салон урбанизма) was opened in an official ceremony in Ruma, Serbia, on November 8, the World Urbanism Day.
This annual event is the main exhibition in the field of urban planning and design in Serbia and nearby countries.
This year, the number of presented professional works was 163, i.e. 20% more than previous years, which is a clear indication that this exhibition is successful.
The main organizer, the Serbian Town Planner Association – STPA, especially thanks the local organizer, Public enterprise “Plan” from Ruma, for all its efforts relating the exhibition.
The atmosphere of the opening ceremony can be seen at: .

The Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure of the Republic of Serbia is currently in the intensive process of the creation and enactment of bylaws. Three members of Serbian Town Planner Association (STPA) - Miodrag Ferenčak, Aleksandra Đukić, and Nada Vinokić - are delegated as representatives of the association for this process thanks to the invitation from the Ministry.

The Serbian Town Planner Association is currently in the first preparations for the next/15th summer school of urbanism, planned to be held in the historic city of Sombor in northern Serbia in the last days of May 2019.

Summer schools of urbanism are the main gatherings of urbanism-related professionals in Serbia and region.


3. News From the Spanish Association of Technical Urban Planners - AETU

The Spanish Urban Agenda was approved in Madrid by the Spanish Government on June 29 2018. The document had been drafted with participation of Spanish Association of Urban Planners (AETU). 

4. News from the Forum for Kommunal Planlegging (FKP) - Norway

FKP's next annual, national planning conference "Kommuneplankonferansen" will be held in Halden, 11-12 Febrary 2019. We're diving deeper into an ongoing debate, with a critical view, questioning if our system of spatial planning is sufficient and efficient to handle the physical, social and climatic changes we're facing.

The Minister of Local Government and Modernisation, Monica Mæland (Conservative Party) will kick off the conference.
Key speaker, Gro Sandskjær Hansen, Ph.d, UiO) from NIBR-OsloMet, will share with us a current major research project on the Norwegian planning system - a four year long evaluation of the national planning act (EVAPLAN). Other related topics will be explored include urbanism and shopping malls, trends within the greyzone of planning and politics, tools to prepare for climate adaptation and stormwater, and the rapidly emerging digital tools in planning - 3D.


III. Next European meetings or Congresses

1.- 2019 AESOP Annual Congress in Venice
The 2019 AESOP Congress will take place in Venice, from 9 to 13 of July.
Planning for Transition
The deadline for abstract submission is 15th January 2019.
Further information

2.- Urban challenge conference
Save the date: April 25th 2019
The Urban Challenge Conference will take place in Copenhagen next Spring. It will be a day to showcase results from the Urban Challenges partnerships together with influential renowned practitioners as our speakers.
Further information

 3.- Resilient Cities 2019 
The Annual Global Forum on Urban Resilience and Adaptation 
Organized by ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability, the World Mayors Council on Climate Change

Bonn, Germany, 26-28 June 2019
Further information 

4.- 8th Academic International Conference on Multi-Disciplinary Studies and Education - AICMSE 2 (Oxford)
21st January 2019
Further information 








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