ExCo & GA:
The Autumn ECTP-CEU General Assembly was held in Brussels last November 16th-17th along with a debate session on Planning issues at the Bouwmeester atelier by Leo Van Broeck and a presentation on Groundtruth 2.0 project, by Üta Wehn.
The XIII Biennial of European Towns and Town Planners: Plymouth 11-13 SEPTEMBER, 2019
Save the date!
XIII Biennial of European Towns and Town Planners, Plymouth, “Planning on the edge” - 11-13 SEPTEMBER, 2019.
A meeting was held last 7th December with representatives of ECTP-CEU, the Royal Town Planning Institute, University of Plymouth, the Plymouth City Council and the ECTP-CEU.
The preperation is launched, more news very soon!

Stephen Essex, Dept of Geography University of Plymouth; Joris Scheers, ECTP-CEU Secretary General; Richard Blythe, Head of Policy Practice & Research RTPI; Ignacio Peman ECTP-CEU President; Paul Barnard, Service Director for Strategic Planning and Infrastructure, Plymouth City Council; Amanda Lumley, Chief Executive Destination Plymouth; Michele Vianello, International Policy and Research Officer, RTPI.
The XIIth European Urban and Regional Planning Awards 2018 - hosted for the fourth consecutive time by the European Committee of the Regions of the European Union - sponsored this time by Groupe ADP and supported by Fundación Metrópoli.
The winners were celebrated in Paris on 18 May 2018 and were presented to the COTER members on 24 October at the CoR in the presence of Mr Spyros Spyridon, Vice Chair of the COTER.
With presentations from:
• Mr Kieran McCarthy, Member of the EU Committee of the Regions, member of the Awards Jury • Mrs Dominique Lancrenon, member of the Awards Jury, honorary ECTP-CEU President • Mr Joris Scheers, ECTP-CEU Secretary General, honorary ECTP-CEU President

Mr Spyros Spyridon, Mr Joris Scheers, Mrs Dominique Lancrenon, Mr Kieran McCarthy
See all photos of the event
Deinze, Sint Niklaas and Herzele sign the European Charter on Participatory Democracy
On the 3rd of October, 2018, in Gent the 3 municipalities of Deinze, Herzele and Sint-Niklaas signed the European Charter on Participatory Democracy published by the ECTP-CEU. Mrs Martine Verhoeve, deputy of spatial planning of the Province of East Flanders already signed the document on March 1st 2018, calling on other East Flemish authorities to do the same. The Province is pleased these three East Flemish authorities have also embedded the practice of civil participation into their policy. It’s a clear sign that collaborating by participation is a very constructive way to reach many satisfactory goals, because you don’t make plans on your own. The province definitely hopes that other municipalities from the Region will follow and also engage by signing the European Council of Spatial Planning's Charter.

Marijke Henne, Joris Scheers, Martine Verhoeve, Jan Vermeulen and Jan Van Damme
Province of East Flanders Mrs Martine Verhoeve deputy of spatial planning of the Province of East Flander
Sint-Niklaas: Mrs Marijke Henne schepen voor stedelijk basisonderwijs en kinderopvang, wonen, inburgering en participatie, stad Sint-Niklaas
Deinze Mr Jan Vermeulen Burgemeester stad Deinze
Herzele: Mr Jan Van DammeMrs Martine Verhoeve, deputy of spatial planning of the Province of East Flanders schepen van Stedenbouw gemeente Herzele
Mr Joris Scheers, ECTP-CEU Secretary General
See more photos from the Signature event