I. ECTP internal news
The New Executive Committe had its first meeting in Brussels 15-16 December in Brussels. Ignacio Peman, Janet Askew, Joris Scheers, Michael Stein, Henk vander Kamp & Vladan Djokic set out the plans for the 2018 activities and finalised the Strategies 2018-2022.
Young Planners Workshop 2018
The 7th Edition ECTP Young Planners workshop 2018 with as topic Airports, Cities & Urban Developmentwill be launched first week of January.
ECTP-CEU Guidelines on Professional Competences In Spatial Planning
The "ECTP-CEU Guidelines on Professional Competences In Spatial Planning" was approuved by the Executive Committee and will be published in January.
The XIIth European Urban and Regional Planning Awards
The XIIth European Urban and Regional Planning Awards (2018) will be launched in the first week of January!
The Theme: Airports, Cities & Urban Development.
The Jury:
President of the Jury: Alfonso VEGARA, President of the Metropoli Fondation Winner of the European Urban and Regional Planning Awards in 1994, 2006 and 2008, Spain
Members: Kieran MCCARTHY, Representative of the Committee of the Regions (CoR) and of the Commission for Territorial Cohesion Territorial Cohesion Policy (COTER), Ireland
Isabelle MAES, Policy Officer European Commission DG Mobility and Transport (MOVE), Europe
François TAMISIER, Chief Architect ADP Group, France
Janet ASKEW, ECTP-CEU administrator, United Kingdom
Dominique LANCRENON, ECTP-CEU Honorary President, France
II. News from ECTP-CEU Members
- The Hungarian Society for Urban Planning (MUT) is organising, with ECTP-CEU's support, the first Central Eastern European Planning Conference in Budapest, May 23rd-24th 2018: Spaces Crossing borders 2018. The focus is on the emerging and created new spaces which are often crossing national, administrative and sometimes even continental borders in order to overcome the current challenges more efficiently, such as economic competitiveness, climate change and demographic problems.
- Formal establishement of the new "ASSOCIAÇÃO PORTUGUESA DE URBANISTAS - APU" – 18th December2017 in Lisbon.
The renewed APU is great news for spatial planning professionals in Portugal, creating the conditions for a greater recognition of the fundamental role of urbanism and the urbanist in the safety, well-being and quality of life of populations.
- In Norway, the FKP will host the 27th Annual Municipal Planning Conference in Stavanger, at Clarion Hotel Air, the 12th and 13th of February 2018. The conference will focus on an innovative and green future. It is the primary meeting place for the many spatial planners that work at the local level in Norway, and where the broadest number of regional and national officials share past, current and future planning initiatives and directions. http://ks.event123.no/kommuneplankonferansen2018/
IV. Habitat III - New urban Agenda
- Conclusions of Urban thinkers Barcelona 25-26-27 New Urban Agenda. Habitat III Transition to liveable cities . The post-car cities. Organized by Federación Iberoamericana de Urbanistas (FIU). (http://www.worldurbancampaign.org/events/transition-liveable-cities-post-car-city - The Ninth Session of the World Urban Forum that will be focused on the implementation of the New Urban Agenda adopted in Habitat III in Kuala Lumpur from 7 to 13 February 2018 http://wuf9.org/

V. Next European meetings or Congresses
- Connected Smart Cities Conference (CSCC) takes place on 11 January 2018 in Brussels, Belgium. The conference brings together representatives of cities, international institutions, academia and industry to discuss this year’s -theme: “Cities Driving the Digital Transition”.
- 6th Winter Cycling Congress February 8-11, 2018Moscow, Russia Apart from the traditional topics of building and maintaining infrastructure and promoting cycling in the cold-climate cities, the program of the 6th Winter Cycling Congress will include discussions about traffic code amendments, cycling economy, business engagement in advocating bicycle culture and other themes important to adress regardless climate. http://en.wcc2018.ru/
- The international conference on the impacts of climate change on water will be held on February 5, 6 and 7, 2018 at a Congress Center in Tours. http://www.climatechangeandwater.org/ Global warming strongly affects the functioning of natural, anthropogenic and urban systems. The thematic research network of laboratories MiDi (Environments and Diversity [Milieux & Diversité]) proposes this conference on the modifications occurring in the water cycle due to global changes in different environments. This conference is co-organized with the French cluster DREAM (Water and Environments [Eau & Milieux]).
- First Annual Conference E-mobility and the future of transportation http://events.economedia.bg/en/event/55
- IJEPR 2018 Conference - 3rd International Conference on 'Urban e-Planning' Date: 3-4 April 2018. Location: University of Lisbon, PortugalFor the full call, please visit the Conference Website: https://sites.google.com/site/uep2018conference/Important dates:- Abstract submission: 31 December 2017 - Notification of acceptance: 31 January 2018.
VI. News from AESOP
- AESOP Annual Congress is in Gothenburg MAKING SPACE FOR HOPE 10 to 14 July 2018 http://www.aesop-planning.eu/
- The Call for Proposals to organise the Fifth World Planning Schools Congress (WPSC'2021) is now open. Any institution affiliated with GPEAN's associations is welcome to submit proposals. For more information, http://www.aesop-planning.eu/Deadline for submissions is May 1st, 2018.